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The NFM committee has drawn up the following rules. Please observe these rules. If you violate any rules, NFM reserves the right to suspend or terminate your permission to fish the water, or otherwise deal with you as is considered appropriate.

NFM reserves the right to add to and/or amend the rules from time to time. Members will be notified of any changes.

Rules relating to permits

Your permit remains the property of NFM and is for your personal use only. It must not be tampered with in any way. 

If it is lost or damaged a duplicate can be obtained by sending in a passport size photograph of yourself, a ‘Stamped Address Envelope’ and an administration fee of £15.

Your permit is not transferable and entitles only you to fish Hook Lake, subject to you fulfilling all the necessary criteria. It remains in force until 31st March unless terminated earlier.

In the event of a permit holder having their entitlement to fish the lake suspended or terminated, they must cease fishing immediately and must return their permit to the NFM.

Should a permit holder lose their entitlement to fish Hook Lake in accordance with the rules, NFM shall not be liable to refund any part of the moneys that the permit holder has paid for the right to fish the Lake.

In the case of 'force majeure' where the fishery needs to close for a short or long term period of time, NFM shall not be liable to refund any part of the moneys that the permit holder has paid for the right to fish the Lake.

Rules relating to the fishery

IMPORTANT: Due to the potential danger of limbs falling from the large Oak Tree, the Oak Tree swim is temporarily closed. Stalking from the Oak Tree Swim is permitted.

1. Only syndicate members and authorised visitors may enter the property. Members must at all times carry their permit and produce it to a bailiff or other permit holder on request. If they are not in possession of the required document, they can be asked to leave the property.

2. NFM reserves the right to close the fishery for any reason including;

  • Emergency and/or scheduled work parties held on the fishery.
  • To carry out any necessary maintenance to the fishery.
  • Angling events, fund raising events, research or such other reasons.
  • In order to protect the welfare of the stock such as during times of spawning or low oxygen levels.

Where possible, permit holders will be informed of planned closure in advance. However, there may be occasions where the fishery needs to be closes immediately and therefore, without warning.

3. The gates to the property must be closed and locked immediately after entry or exit.

4. While on the property vehicles must be driven carefully and quietly and must be parked considerately in the car park provided.

5. No swims may be altered without the consent of NFM. No bankside vegetation may be damaged other than by authorised cutting and trimming.

6. Fishing, other than stalking, is only permitted from recognised swims.

7. No angler's rods shall be left unattended at any time. The definition of "unattended" shall be left to the discretion of the bailiffs, and all offences will be judged strictly on their merits.

8. A swim about to be vacated may only be "reserved" by an angler already fishing another swim on the lake. The bailiffs have the right to enforce this rule in the spirit in which it is intended and to prevent the monopoly of a swim by teams or groups of anglers.

9. A permit holder may be absent from the lake for a maximum of 3 hours in any twenty four hour period.

10. Any angler fishing for three consecutive days (72 hours), must then vacate the fishery for a minimum of 24 hours.

11. It is the responsibility of any person fishing a swim to ensure that the swim and surrounding area is kept free of litter.

12. Swimming and wading in the lake is forbidden under any circumstances.

13. Members can only use the rowing boat if given special permission to do so by NFM, and a lifejacket MUST be worn.

14. Bait boats should only be used within the natural boundaries of the swim you are fishing from and must not be used to take rigs out to any area that prevents other members from fishing in any swim of their choice. The use of bait boats are banned from the following swims: The Oak Tree, The Car Park, One Up, Two Up, ThePads 

15. The use of nuts as baits, hook baits or in loose feed is banned. Tiger nuts can be used as hook bait only.  

16. In the right conditions, carp can be retained in floating retainer slings for a maximum of 2 hours.

17. There is a two-rod limit in force between 1st April and 30th September and a three-rod limit between 1st October and 31st March.

18. All anglers must carry and use a good quality unhooking mat or cradle of adequate size.

19. Fishing in any area deemed to be out of bounds and marked or designated accordingly is prohibited.

20. No guns, crossbows or weapons of any kind are allowed on the property. Any knives carried must be suitable fishing equipment or eating utensils.

21. No fires must be lit on the property.

22. Anglers must not introduce into the lake from any other water any live fish or spawn, including fish intended to be used as live bait.

23. Any person fishing the water must hold a current EA Trout and Course fishing licence (for the appropriate number of rods), and must comply with the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act, and the by-laws in force for the area (https://get-fishing-licence.service.gov.uk/buy/name).

24. Any permit holder may purchase up to ten 24 hour guest permits from NFM per season. Guest permits are only available from 1st September until 31st March and cost £25 each. Guest permits must be purchased at least 1 week in advance. Only one guest can fish at any one time.

25. NFM reserve the right to examine any vehicle on or leaving the property to ensure that fish are not being removed, transferred illegally, or stolen. This right may only be exercised in the presence of the person using the vehicle, but refusal to co-operate may result in the termination of the vehicle owner's rights to fish and/or be on the property. Any person found attempting to remove fish from Hook Lake shall automatically lose their permit and face prosecution.

26. NFM shall have the right to inquire into and take the appropriate action in the event of an infringement of the rules being suspected. Subject to the seriousness of the incident NFM can suspend permission to fish whilst investigating an alleged infringement. All alleged rule breakers shall be given the opportunity to state their case at a meeting of the NFM Committee. Penalties imposed by NFM will be notified to the member in writing.

27. Any damaged, diseased or dead fish must be reported to NFM immediately.

28. No spinning or lure fishing.

29. Sorry, on the landlords request - No Dogs.

30. No excessive alcohol use – please drink responsibly and consider other anglers on the lake. No drugs will be tolerated at any time.

31. In consultation with local residents and the landlord, anglers will not be permitted to enter the lake before 7am or leave the lake after 10pm. The only time anglers can leave the lake in between these times is in the case of an emergency.

32. Persons fishing at Hook Lake do so at their own risk. Northaw Fisheries Management, its committee or employees cannot be held responsible for any accident and/or injury to anglers or their possessions, however, caused, whilst on the premises. It is the angler's responsibility to ensure they are protected and are aware of the dangers of fishing before fishing.